Buy degree, China Telecom head under investigation. The chairman of one of the Chinese largest state-owned mobile operators, buy degree from UK, buy certificate from Canada, buy diploma from Australia, buy a fake degree from Singapore, fake degree from USA, China Telecom, is being investigated by the country’s anti-corruption watchdog. Chang Xiaobing is “suspected of serious violation of discipline”, according to a statement on the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection website. The executive was reported missing by local media on Sunday. He is the latest in a series of high-profile executives to become embroiled in Beijing’s crackdown on degree from UK, buy certificate from Canada, buy diploma from Australia, buy a fake degree from Singapore, fake degree from USA, The government’s ongoing anti-corruption drive resulted in more than 70 senior officials at state firms being investigated in 2014. Little information was given on the investigation involving Mr. Chang, but the statement mentioned his position as the former chairman of the country’s second-largest mobile operator China Unicom. The 58-year-old became the chairman at China Telecom in August. Earlier this year, there were reports that the government was considering merging the two telecom giants. buy degree from the UK, buy a certificate from Canada, buy diploma from Australia, buy a fake degree from Singapore, fake degree from the USA, Government scrutiny of the top firms in the world’s second-largest economy has spread beyond state-owned enterprises. Earlier this month, Guo Guangchang, the chairman of one of the Chinese largest private conglomerates Fosun International, was also reported to have gone missing, which eventually led the firm to announce that he was helping with a police investigation. buy a degree from the UK, buy certificate from Canada, buy diploma from Australia, buy a fake degree from Singapore, fake degree from the USA, He reappeared in public a few days later. Buy degree, China Telecom head under investigation.